
Saturday, September 29, 2012

1 week sick leave

got a viral infection from somewhere that made me sick for 5 days straight (sep.24-28). thank God it's not Dengue or the new Corona virus. didn't go to work the whole week. almost spent my remaining sick leaves. T_T

- on/off fever
- headache
- hurting muscles adjacent to my eyeballs
- no appetite for food
- general weakness
- feels cold

spontaneous cravings
- chocolate milk drink (got Moo & Chuckie) -later on prohibited by the doctor; still craving for it now though
- Del Monte pineapple (tidbits, not the juice)
- Chowking Sweet and Sour Pork Lauriat & Chicharap
- 7/11 Siopao Asado

lessons learned
- i will not stay up too late so i can complete my 7-hour sleep (staying up too late somehow weakens my body's defense to sickness)
- i will now take Centrum everyday! and/or vitamin-C
- i will now continue my badminton exercise -stopped it for a while
- i will now drink water religiously

Always remember. Health is wealth! :D

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