
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Experiencing the paradox of life and death

Early morning 'til after lunch (9-1:30pm):
Went to Wawa, Taguig to attend the dedication of Baby LJ (Love Joy) Cruz, daughter of Ptr. Ruel & Josephine Cruz of HZCF. Was chosen to be one of her "ninong". A great privilege indeed.. She is now officialy my 15th "inaanak" :D

This morning, we celebrated the life of this little baby girl...


Baby LJ

Baby LJ with Mom

Cruz Family

Dad, holding Baby LJ's delicate hand

Child Dedication

After lunch 'til afternoon (1:30-3pm):
Rushed back to Mandaluyong to attend the burial of Tita Vicky Monfero. She died because of cancer :(
Her body was escorted from the venue of the wake to the cemetery with relatives, friends and church-mates.

Ptr. Edwin reading Psalm 23

That afternoon, many tears were shed because of a loved-ones death...

A simple fact - life and death. One verse comes to mind.

"So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God." – Romans 14:12

and as Leonard Ravenhill puts it,

"The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity." 

One life, my friends. One life.
When it's all been said and done., there is just one thing that matters c:
God bless you! :)

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