
Friday, September 14, 2012

let's start pblogging :D, i'll be starting my first online pblog :D
...i'm not a good writer really.. but i'm a decent photo 'snapper' i'll be 'writing' my posts by means of photography (or music maybe?)

Canon EOS 400D/Rebel XTi w/ 50mm 1.8 II
One of the "writing pen" I will be using :p

.....well, a picture is still worth a thousand words, as they always say :p

Thanks for viewing! Will be updating some of my blog pages soon.. stay tuned! Follow this blog if you want to be notified of new posts or updates (look for 'Followers' or 'Join this site' at right portion of page). Ciao! c:

Know that Jesus loves you! God bless you, viewer! :)

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