
Monday, November 26, 2012

Lost my phone. Got it again!

My phone got lost last night together with the sim card and memory card. I think it slipped from my pocket while in the jeepney going home. My number 09224233242 is now officially unreachable.

My first touch screen phone.
Bought it online for Php 8,500.00 almost 3 years ago (January 2010).

My phone.. now gone. Soon to be replaced? :D

Looking back from what happened yesterday:
- before leaving our home that afternoon.. removed my watch so I could wash my hands and face
- left the apartment without re-wearing my watch.
- realized that I forgot to wear my watch. I'm only about 25 to 30 steps from our door
- didn't go back to get it. 
- since I didn't have a watch with me, I used my mobile phone to monitor the time
- I kept getting it from my pocket every time I wanted to check the time.
- The front pockets of my pants were shallow

- 'Theoretically', my phone was lost because I forgot to wear my watch and didn't change my pants. :D

Update: The kind person who got it returned my phone! Amazing! :D

"The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.” – Job 1:21b

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