
Sunday, October 28, 2012

SIZE Matters Sausage Burgers Part 2

Was here two weeks ago.

Was here again this afternoon. Treat again by you-know-who.. ;)

Thank you, sir! Thank you, Lord!

Good thing I brought my point and shoot camera with me. Left it the last time we were here : i


I honestly don't know what to call this one. Ordering area?

Eating utensils

Mustard & Hot Sauce

Ketchup and Special Mayo

my pitcher of Iced Tea (36 oz.)

Beef and Sausage Burger

Jalapeno Spuds (One piece left)

Italian Burger Job (I think it should be Italian Job Burger)

Inside the I.B.J. Small onions big onions lots'a onions...

Your time has come, food.

Inside my iced tea pitcher. Almost gone.

Spicy buffalo wings (ate both of this)

Sausage Platter

- Unless you are trying out a specific food menu item, put their best seller items on top of your order list (the one with the star symbol on their menu). Ordered I.B.J. (not a best seller) since I wasn't able to taste it last time. After finishing the meal, I really hoped that I had ordered a best seller instead. :D  Still completely satisfied! Grilled goodness! :d

Happy eating! God bless! :)

By the way, their gravy is goooood. Full of flavor! :D

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." — 1 Cor. 10:31

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